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Domaine Leflaive


The modern era of Domaine Leflaive begins in 1905 when Joseph Leflaive purchased 25 ha in Puligny-Montrachet. For 15 years he sold grapes to negociants, and in 1920 began a program of replanting and rootstock selection. The climb to greatness had begun.

In 1953, Joseph passed away and left management of the Domaine to his sons, Vincent and Joseph. In 1990, Anne-Claude and her cousin, Olivier, became custodians of the Domaine. Four years on, Anne-Claude assumed total management. On April 5th, 2015 we lost a giant of the wine world with the passing of Mme. Anne-Claude Leflaive.

At this point, they were widely regarded as one of the greatest producers of white wines in Burgundy. Anne-Claude was an innovative, meticulous caretaker of the vineyards and decided to implement biodynamic viticulture at the Domaine, a practice not fully embraced at the time as it is today. This was highly controversial, but Anne saw potential. Her quest for perfection would drive her vision forward. Since 1997 the Domaine has been 100% biodynamic.
Today, the Domaine remains a family business managed by M. Brice de La Morandière, who carries on her pioneering legacy.

“This is indisputably the greatest estate for white wine in the whole world, producing wines that are the utmost in discretion and elegance; profound, long lasting wines full of richly concentrated fruit which for me represent all that is best in white Burgundy.”
Clive Coates, MW

Domaine Leflaive Wines